A reactor at the Cernavodă power plant has collapsed. Power imports jumped by 2,600 MW. Nuclear power had an input to the National Energy System of only 698 MW at the time of going to press, according to Transelectrica data, which means that the Cernavodă nuclear power plant is operating with only one unit out of two, writes Economica.net.
UPDATE The Cernavodă nuclear power plant is operating with only one of the two units at the moment, according to Transelectrica data. Nuclearelectrica says it all happened as a result of circuit breakers tripping for causes that are being investigated.
The disconnection of one of the units is believed to have occurred at around 09.20. The causes of the tripping are not known at this time.
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Immediately after the shutdown of one nuclear unit, the import suddenly increased to 2,100 MW from 1,400 MW. It then decreased slightly as hydropower input increased, but shortly afterwards it reached 2,600 MW, a relatively rare figure.
“SN Nuclearelectrica SA announces that Unit 2 of the Cernavodă NPP automatically disconnected from the National Energy System on the morning of 14 October 2021 as a result of the tripping of the energy delivery switches in the National Energy System. Cernavodă NPP specialists are investigating the cause that led to the tripping of the energy delivery switches, which resulted in the automatic disconnection of Unit 2 from the NES. The automatic disconnection of Unit 2 occurred safely, with all systems operating and responding as designed in such situations. The automatic disconnection of Unit 2 as well as the remedial works have no impact on the nuclear safety of the reactor, the unit’s staff, the population and the environment,” Nuclearelectrica said in a statement.
The company will come back with a press release when Unit 2 is reconnected to the SEN.
Edited for English