General government debt (government debt) rose to 556.362 billion lei at the end of the first nine months of 2021, up from 499.8 billion lei in the same period last year, according to data centralized by the Ministry of Finance and cited by Agerpres.
Relative to GDP, government debt was 48.5% at the end of September (47.4% of GDP at the end of the same month in 2020).
Medium- and long-term debt stood at 536.458 billion lei and short-term debt at 19.904 billion lei.
Most of this debt, 473.83 billion lei, was represented by government securities. Borrowings amounted to 73.487 billion lei.
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An amount of 256.106 billion lei was government debt in lei, 255.608 billion lei was government debt in euro and 43.119 billion lei equivalent debt in US dollars.
Central government debt amounted to 540.588 billion lei at the end of September, of which 520.701 billion lei was medium and long-term. Most of the central government debt was contracted in euro (251.735 billion lei equivalent) and lei (244.208 billion lei).
Local government debt amounted to RON 15.774 billion, of which RON 15.757 billion medium and long-term.
According to MFP data, general government external debt was 282.186 billion lei (24.6% of GDP), of which 277.665 billion lei was central government external debt and 4.521 billion lei local government external debt.