Romania’s external debt increased by 8.4 billion euros in the first months of the year/ Foreign investments amounted to 4.39 billion euros (NBR data)

bani, euro Sursa foto: Pexels

In the first eight months of the year, the current account of the balance of payments recorded a deficit of EUR 10.14 billion, compared to EUR 6.54 billion in the period January-August 2020, data published today by the National Bank of Romania show. Foreign investments increased by almost three times in this period compared to last year. Total external debt increased by €8.404 billion.

In its structure, the goods and primary income balances recorded higher deficits of €2.389 billion and €587 million respectively; the secondary income and services balances recorded lower surpluses of €315 million and €309 million respectively.

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Non-residents’ direct investment in Romania amounted to €4.394 billion (compared to €1.481 billion in January-August 2020), of which equity holdings (including estimated net reinvested earnings) netted €3.803 billion and intra-group loans netted €591 million.

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Between January and August 2021, total external debt increased by €8.404 billion.