Tazz delivery app by eMag launches ‘virtual meeting spaces’ and will be able to deliver to parks or festivals

festival, Electric Castle Sursa foto: Electric Castle, Facebook

The tazz by eMag app will have a new feature: the service is launching “virtual meeting places”, which allow orders to be picked up from anywhere in the cities where it is present by placing a “pin” on the map. This will eliminate the need to enter a fixed address with a street and a number. Depending on the location, the tazz by eMAG app will automatically generate the nearest address for delivery. From 6 to15 of August, tazz by eMAG is going to both Bontida and Cetățuie to deliver food inside the Electric Castle festival taking place in Cluj county.

“The new generation needs more flexibility, and young people are looking for solutions to help them make the most of the time they have. Thanks to the investments we have made in app development, we are now ready to deliver anywhere, even in areas where it is hard to identify a physical address, such as in the park. By launching ‘virtual meeting points’, customers are relieved of the pressure of finding a well-defined address to wait for the delivery person when they need something and are not at home,” said Alin Șerban, CEO tazz by eMAG.

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Electric Castle attendees will be able to order products directly from the food court in Bonțida, and at Cetatuia they will be able to take advantage of special offers in the dedicated category in the app, delivered to fixed points, signposted offline at the festival with illuminated boxes.

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