European Commissioner Thierry Breton praises Romanian unicorn UiPath for helping the EU with the pandemic. UiPath representative recently sacked from Tarom by Minister Vîlceanu

Thierry Breton - UiPath Foto: Reprezentanța Comisiei Europene

Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the Internal Market, visited on Thursday the Bucharest offices of technology company UiPath, the first company with Romanian founders to surpass the $1 billion market value.

The EU official praised the company and explained that UiPath has helped the European Medicines Agency with automation solutions that have contributed to faster reporting of critical shortages.

“Romania has talent and digital skills! We had a productive meeting this morning in Bucharest at UiPath, the country’s first unicorn. During the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the automation solutions developed here helped the European Medicines Agency to report critical shortages faster,” said Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the Internal Market, according to a Facebook post from the European Commission Representation in Romania.

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It should be recalled that three weeks ago, the Transport Ministry, led by Dan Vîlceanu, removed several business representatives from Tarom’s Board of Directors, including Florin Voicu – UiPath Romania’s financial auditor, as exclusively wrote.

At its meeting on 25 October, Tarom’s General Meeting of Shareholders, where the Transport Ministry – led by liberal Dan Vîlceanu – has the most votes, on Monday removed four members from Tarom’s Board of Directors. Replaced members are Siemens Romania CEO Cristian Secoșan, Alexandru Moglan, an expert at Oracle, Florin Voicu, UiPath Romania, and Cătălin Octavian Bunea, co-pilot at Ryanair.

Instead, Anca Boagiu, former Minister of Transport in the Boc government, and Iuliana Cristina Bârcă, former PNL local councillor in Sector 1 and former PNL candidate for the Chamber of Deputies, have been appointed to Tarom’s Board of Directors.