American financial technology company Verifone, which acquired 2Checkout a year ago, plans to hire 100 specialists for its Romanian subsidiary over the next 12 months, as the company is currently practicing a hybrid work-from-home or office model, depending on employee options, Verifone’s Human Resources Director Peyton O’Connor said Wednesday at a press conference to mark Verifone’s one-year anniversary in Romania.
“We committed last September to hire 100 specialists (for the Verifone center in Bucharest, ed.). We exceeded that target, we hired well over 100 people and we continue to grow the local team, having hired another 100 people afterwards. With a local team of 400 employees, we want to add another 100 in the next year. We have of course expanded the office space we currently occupy, I believe we have 4 floors in the current building and will continue to expand,” said Peyton O’Connor, according to Agerpres.
Verifone’s Human Resources Director explained that, in the context of the pandemic, only those employees who want to work from the office come to the Bucharest office, i.e. 10% of the Bucharest branch staff.
“Fortunately, being a global company, we have changed our hiring model and adapted to the new hiring models and have been successful in hiring new people. (…) If last year in our company people were working 100% from home, recently employees are coming back to the office if they want, about 10% of the employees are working from the office, so we are far from the maximum office capacity. We’re now practicing the hybrid model of working in all the offices we have globally,” said Peyton O’Connor.
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Verifone’s Human Resources Director stressed that the company allows employees to work from home, so there is no need to open new offices in other Romanian cities.
“We will continue to adapt and at the same time hire talented people right where those talented people are. So we don’t tie those talented people to a particular office, they don’t necessarily have to come to the office, we will continue to invest in talented people, and we will continue to hire them for remote work as well, given the pandemic, but also the type of these jobs. We have quite a big office in Bucharest, we expanded the space of this office even during the pandemic, but the idea is that we will hire where the talented people are. So we don’t need to talk about opening other offices in Romania, because we have this big branch in Bucharest, but we continue to look at where the talented people are and hire them where they are,” added Peyton O’Connor.
Verifone, an American multinational corporation owned by technology investment fund Francisco Partners, produces electronic payment technology, employs 5,000 people globally and in 2020 acquired 2checkout, founded by two Romanian entrepreneurs.
Edited for English