Bolt launches car rental service in Europe

bolt Sursa foto: Bolt, Facebook

The European mobility platform Bolt will launch a car-sharing service that will allow users to rent a car for short periods of time, using the Bolt app Agerpres reports. The company will invest 20 million euros in the launch of Bolt Drive in Europe and will start with a pilot project that will take place on the domestic market in Estonia, the company’s representatives announced.

“By allowing users to rent a car quickly and conveniently at the touch of a button, Bolt helps them become less dependent on personal cars and thus encourages the use of alternative modes of transport for short-distance travel,” said Bolt representatives. Markus Villig, CEO of Bolt, says that personal cars are the main cause of problems in urban transport. “They are responsible for congested traffic, environmental emissions, and city occupation,” said Markus Villig. In his opinion, for people to move from ownership to transport on demand, they need to have a more convenient, accessible, and environmentally sustainable option for each distance.

“We are already doing this for short and medium distance travel. Bolt Drive now covers the rest of the use situations, whether it’s a drive to a large mall or a weekend getaway. Our users will have access to a car at any time, from the same application that they already use for scooters, electric bicycles, and ride-hailing “, said Markus Villig.

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Bolt Drive is a free car-sharing service that allows users to see, on a map, the vehicles closest to them and book a car using the Bolt app. Thus, they can begin the journey by unlocking the car with a mobile phone and end the journey anywhere in the city within the area indicated in the application. Users do not have to pay for parking or fuel.

Bolt is a European mobility platform with approximately 50 million registered users in over 40 countries in Europe and Africa. Its services range from ride-hailing to micro-mobility with scooters and electric bicycles, to the delivery of food and packages. All Bolt rides in Europe are 100% carbon neutral, the company’s representatives say.

Translated from Romanian by Service For Life S.R.L.