BREAKING: The IMF forecasts 6% economic growth for Romania in 2021, significantly higher than the European Commission and the government. Budget deficit of 7.1% of GDP

Kristalina Georgieva FMI Sursa foto: FMI

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts economic growth of 6% for Romania in 2021 in the World Economic Outlook report presented on Tuesday. The economic growth forecast is significantly higher than that of the European Commission and the government.

The European Commission had forecasted economic growth of only 3.8% in February this year, while the Cîțu government based its budget on a 4.3% growth forecast.

In terms of the budget deficit, the IMF forecasts 7.131% of GDP in 2021, in line with the government’s forecast of 7.16% of GDP.

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The only EU member state with a more optimistic growth forecast than Romania is Spain (6.4% increase compared to 2020).

It should be noted that the difference between the IMF’s forecast and that of the European Commission is due to the appearance of data related to the performance above expectations for the fourth quarter of 2020, data that the European executive’s forecast had not taken into account.

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