Carbochim shareholders have decided to sell the platform of the company controlled by Iulian Dascălu for a price of at least 41.5 million euros

carbochim Sursa foto: Google Maps

As Economedia wrote at the end of last year, the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Cluj-based company Carbochim, 75.8% owned by Carbo Europe, a company controlled by Iulian Dascălu, the developer of the Iulius and Iulius Town shopping malls in Timisoara, approved the sale of the current headquarters consisting of a plot of land of over 120,000 sqm and several buildings, located in the 1 Mai square in Cluj-Napoca, a hot area for real estate developers.

Carbo Europe took over Carbochim in 2020 and everyone is waiting to see what the fate of the company will be after the transaction. The platform of about 120,000 sqm is composed of several plots, the largest of about 51,000 sqm, and related buildings.

Carbochim’s General Meeting of Shareholders also decided to move the plant to a building in Cluj-Napoca for a maximum of €3.5 million to continue its activities.

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According to the Carbochim AGM decision, the buildings may be sold in whole or in part, including dismantled.

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“The price of the sale of the buildings may not be less than 345 euro/sqm excluding VAT (including the cost of demolishing existing buildings on the land), which will be calculated by reference to the surface area of the land being sold, even if the land is degraded, has urban rights of way, is crossed by utilities, requires the establishment of dismemberments of the right of ownership or is affected by other charges (of any kind),” the Carbochim AGM decision states.

The price of 345 euro/sqm, would bring the Carbochim platform to a value of at least 41.5 million euro to be paid by the future buyer, one of the largest land transactions in Romania this period.

Obviously, it would not be excluded that the Carbochim platform is bought by another company directly or indirectly controlled by Iulian Dascălu, following the model of the sale of the Armătura platform, also in Cluj Napoca, which sold its platform for €9.5 million to a company 33% controlled by the Austrian owners of Armătura.

In fact, Iulian Dascălu said in 2020 that “Iulius is fully dedicated to developing regional reference projects with a strong impact in the communities where we are present. We occupy a dominant position in the Romanian real estate market and we wanted to expand our area of expertise to production, with the same commitment and passion. Thus, we consider the acquisition of a majority stake in Carbochim Cluj-Napoca as a strategic decision in our activity and, at the same time, a challenge. Carbochim has a remarkable experience in the field, more than 70 years, and we believe in its development capacity. We are convinced that by combining Carbochim’s know-how with Iulius’ vision and experience in property management we will achieve our common goal of strengthening our growth strategy and adding value to the portfolio”.

Most likely, the developer from Iasi will build a replica of Iulius Town in Timisoara on the Carbochim platform, which will not, however, include the Iulius mall in the city, which is a respectable distance away.