Company in the food industry launches digital platform for HoReCa companies

meniu foto Foto: Platforma Macromex

Macromex, a food industry company that owns several frozen food brands in its portfolio, is launching a digital platform dedicated to the HoReCA sector, company representatives announce. It includes raw material quotations, menus with recipes tailored to location, business efficiency calculators and should help lower costs and increase productivity for establishments in the industry.

“Horeca locations today are facing rising raw material prices, staff shortages, reduced traffic and high pressure from consumers, for whom the offline Horeca experience has turned into the online ordering experience from Horeca locations. We understand the difficulty the Horeca industry is going through – the market has already shrunk by up to 70%,” says Albert Davidoglu, CEO, Macromex.

In this context, Macromex Horeca would contribute to increased productivity in the kitchen, reduced wastage, reduced recipe preparation times, say the platform representatives.

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The solution is also a response to the “exploding level” of online, delivery requests, which are adding to the physical, in-restaurant requests.

According to Macromex’s analysis, each prepared menu brings, compared to purchasing ingredients individually, reduced preparation times, reduced waste, increased productivity – each turnkey menu in Macromex Horeca’s offer would also bring time savings of up to 35 minutes per prepared recipe, say the project’s initiators.

Macromex Horeca includes automated costing calculators. These show, by recipe and ingredient, the actual cost of purchase and savings compared to ingredients bought from various sources. On the site you can find customised menus by type of location, by specificity, from traditional to ethnic or vegetarian, editable, predefined menu variants, as well as full recipes, adapted even for online ordering and delivery.

Macromex is active in the food industry, in the frozen food segment, with a portfolio of brands such as Edenia, Corso, La Strada, Azuris and partner brands: Philadelphia, La Lorraine, Farm Frites Dr. Oetker (Inedit, Paula), Mars, Haagen Dasz.