Cristian Secoșan, currently CEO of Siemens Romania, takes over as CEO of Delgaz, the network division of E.ON Group

Cristian Secoșan Siemens Sursa foto: Economedia / Inquam Photos

Cristian Secoșan, currently CEO of Siemens Romania, will take over as general manager of Delgaz Grid, the grid division of E.ON Romania, as of April 1, Agerpres reports.

He will also be deputy general manager of E.ON Romania. From the same date, the current general manager, Ferenc Csulak, will continue to provide support from his position as deputy general manager of Delgaz Grid. At the same time, he will also remain on the Board of E.ON Romania as Deputy General Manager, responsible for the distribution area, until 30 June 2022.

Cristian Secoșan is 54 years old and is currently CEO of Siemens Romania. An engineer by profession, a graduate of the Politehnica University of Timișoara, he has accumulated over the last 30 years a wealth of experience in the field of energy, technology and digitization, holding important management positions in large companies such as OMV Petrom, ABB and Alstom.

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He has also been active in the decision-making structure of AHK Romania (Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce) and the Foreign Investors Council (FIC). Cristian Secoșan has also worked in the E.ON group from 2007 to 2009, as general manager of E.ON Moldova Furnizare.

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“Over the years, Cristian Secoșan has made substantial contributions in the development of policies and strategies in the companies he has coordinated and has achieved remarkable results. He is a leader who has also left an important mark in sustainable energy development in Romania, and his experience and technological knowledge, related to digitalization and innovation, will help us in our growth strategy. I am delighted to welcome him to our team and grateful to him for accepting this new challenge. I am convinced that together we will make important steps towards achieving our goals”, said Volker Raffel, CEO of E.ON Romania.

Therefore, as of April 1, 2022, Volker Raffel (CEO), Mirko Strube (CFO, Digitalization/ IT, HR and other support functions), Claudia Griech (Customer Solutions), Cristian Secoșan and Ferenc Csulak (Distribution) will form the Board of Directors of E.ON Romania.

The German E.ON Group is one of the leaders in the energy market, with a consolidated presence in Romania over 16 years. The group’s flagship companies are Delgaz Grid and E.ON Energie Romania, which are active in the distribution and supply of energy and energy solutions to around 3.3 million customers.

Since entering the Romanian market, E.ON has invested around €1.8 billion, mainly in grid modernization. At the same time, the value of contributions paid to the state and local budgets amounts to €2.5 billion.