Emergency ordinance on energy and gas price compensation could be adopted on Friday

G4Media sept. 29, 2021 0 comentarii
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Prime Minister Florin Cîțu said that the emergency ordinance granting compensation on gas and electricity bills would be approved on Friday. In a press conference held at the end of the Government meeting, the Prime Minister said that a Cabinet with full powers was needed, given the measures to be adopted in the coming period, according to Agerpres.

“We need a Cabinet with full powers, there are many things to be done in the coming period, we can’t afford even one day without a government, that is, we have to approve, on the one hand, the series of ordinances and government decisions that come with the PNRR; on the other hand, I hope that by Friday we will approve the emergency ordinance – Friday will be the next government meeting – the emergency ordinance granting a price compensation on the winter energy and gas bill, but we do not have time until next week, until Tuesday, to do the scheme for small and medium-sized companies, which again will be a problem in the coming period. From our point of view, what is happening in the Romanian Parliament today is irresponsible. I could say that those who want to bring down the Romanian government today are throwing the country into chaos and condemning Romanians to a difficult period”, said the Prime Minister.

Asked with whom he will negotiate to support the government in the context of the no-confidence motion, the Prime Minister replied that he cannot reveal his strategy.

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“I believe that there are responsible MPs in the Romanian Parliament and we will discuss with them. Parliamentarians who put the interest of Romanians above personal interest, above party interest”, said the Prime Minister.

Edited for English