EXCLUSIVE The head of the US diplomatic mission in Bucharest announces that the 5G bill could reach Parliament “quickly”. The Via Carpathia highway connecting Constanta with Gdansk, could also be financed with EU funds

David Muniz sursa Ambasada SUA Foto: David Muniz / sursa Ambasada SUA

The US charge d’affaires in Bucharest, David Muniz, said in an interview for Economedia.ro and G4Media.ro that he expects the draft legislation on the 5G network, which would make it extremely difficult for Chinese companies to participate in the project, to arrive ” quickly” in Parliament.

“I think we can expect the bill to reach Parliament quickly, it is moving quickly in the approval process, that’s what I was told. I cannot claim to be the spokesperson of the Government, but we can expect that “, said David Muniz in the interview. The bill, launched in August 2020, was sent last week by the government to the Economic and Social Council and is to be formally approved at an executive meeting, and sent later on to Parliament.

The head of the US mission in Bucharest also spoke about the Via Carpathia project, which would link the ports of Constanta and Gdansk (Poland). The Romanian section of the project proposed by the Three Seas Initiative could also be funded by European funds, said David Muniz, who added that experts must decide whether such funding is possible.

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Regarding the financing by the American state bank Exim (the equivalent of Exim Bank in Romania) of the construction of nuclear reactors 3 and 4 at the nuclear plant in  Cernavoda, David Muniz said that a decision could be taken in a year.

Relevant fragments from the interview:

Rep: What is the status of the road and railway infrastructure projects to connect the ports of Constanta and Gdansk?

David Muniz: Secretary of State Blinken has expressed support for these major infrastructure projects. Just today (Tuesday, March 23 – ed.) I discussed with the Romanian Transport Minister about these projects. The Romanian government is really dedicated to relaunching infrastructure works, and it’s allocating major resources. We are working closely to find the solutions to start these projects, for a new summit of the Three Seas Initiative is coming. Projects must be completed. There are many EU cohesion funds available, I imagine they can be used as well. Experts must decide how they can be used, but the possibilities exist.

Rep: Is there also the possibility for the Exim US bank to finance these projects?
David Muniz: We are analyzing several options and possibilities. In general, US Exim supports projects where American companies are involved. Nothing has been decided yet.

Rep: What is the stage of implementation of the US-Romania agreement for the construction of reactors 3 and 4 at the Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant?

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David Muniz: The intergovernmental agreement must go to Parliament and should be adopted relatively quickly; it is important to continue the project. There are many details to be worked-out related to the participants in the project, and the financing. I discuss these details daily; Exim is very interested in this project. Companies from Canada, and from European countries will be involved. I think that by the end of this year many of these details will be finalized.

The project is going very well, it is progressing very well. The financing will have very favorable terms for Romania. One of the most important things is to make sure it’s a sustainable project. It will be an expensive project, and we want to make sure – like the Romanian government, that the costs will not increase.

The strategic significance of this project is greater than its commercial side. Romania has taken a bold step: it has given up the memorandum of understanding with a Chinese company under criminal investigation in the USA and has chosen a solution together with the USA. We want to provide a transparent and fair business for the Romanian citizens, a reliable technological partner. The project is an extension of our energy partnership. When Exim US comes up with such funding, we can expect US financial institutions to be interested in the project.

Rep: When will the financing decision be made?
David Muniz: It will take a while, maybe a year. I am very interested in this project.

Rep: ExxonMobil has decided to leave the Black Sea gas production project, and Romania has still not changed the offshore law. Do you know why the draft of the new offshore law is still delayed?

David Muniz: It takes longer than we expected. Exxon makes its business decisions for business reasons, it’s a huge, global company. Our concerns, if any, are about the fair treatment of the American companies. And I don’t think we can say that they were not treated correctly. But we are following this topic closely.

As for the offshore law, these are complicated laws. We have seen reports that Romgaz is interested in buying Exxon’s stake and that it would be related to the timing of the legislation, but we will see.

Rep: Are you suspecting this?
David Muniz: I don’t know, there is speculation in the press, I’ve seen them, but the two things don’t necessarily have to be related. It is important for a serious buyer to buy Exxon’s stake if Exxon wants to sell.

Rep: Does Lukoil qualify as a buyer?
David Muniz: This is the type of buyer that would cause concern. Romgaz is a reliable company. It is important for the project to move forward in order to solve the problem of energy independence.

Rep: Is it a thing of concern the way Exxon has been treated?
David Muniz: Our position has been known for a long time: we want to see changes in the offshore law. We expect to see the new project soon, which is a good thing. Before, there seemed to be no chance of improving the law. They are happy because things seem to be moving, it’s a positive signal. But in general, American companies want to see transparent and predictable legislation. When laws are changed quickly, as was the case before, that doesn’t send a good signal.

Rep: What information do you have about the 5G network bill initiated by the government a few months ago, and which has not yet been sent to Parliament?

David Muniz: I think we can expect the bill to reach Parliament quickly, it is moving fast in the approval process, I was told that. I cannot claim to be the Government’s spokesperson, but we can expect that.

Translated by: O.H.