French giant Publicis buys Romanian company Tremend, one of the biggest players in the IT industry

marius-hanganu-ioan-cocan-fondatori-tremend Foto: Marius Hanganu și Ioan Cocan, fondatori Tremend

Publicis Groupe, one of Europe’s largest players in the communications market, has bought Romanian software company Tremend, according to an announcement Wednesday by the French company.

According to the source, the transaction is subject to the usual approvals from the competition authority.

Tremend will be integrated into Publicis Sapient, one of Publicis Groupe’s divisions, Publicis Sapiens CEO Nigel Vaz announced.

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“We are impressed with the Tremend team’s vision, its advanced level of skills and capabilities around Agile methodology, and its deep expertise in this market. Tremend joining Publicis Sapient represents a strong expansion of our global distributed delivery model and we expect to rapidly grow both our team to 2,500 experts by 2025 and our geographic footprint in the region. We are also excited about the strong cultural fit between the two organizations and look forward to generating even more customer impact together,” Publicis Sapiens CEO said, quoted in the release.

According to the release, Tremend is one of the most dynamic independent consulting and software development companies in Central and Eastern Europe.

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With advanced expertise in emerging technologies, confirmed by more than 60 million users using the solutions developed for its clients, Tremend will become the newest global hub for Publicis Sapient, the release said.

Headquartered in Bucharest, Tremend was founded in 2005 by Ioan Cocan and Marius Hanganu and serves a broad and diversified client base in areas such as finance, automotive, telecommunications, healthcare, technology and education. With over 16 years of experience in consulting, strategy and implementation for software projects and product management, Tremend has a team of over 650 software engineering experts.

Tremend had a turnover of 100.6 million lei in 2020 and a net profit of 12.4 million lei, according to data from the Ministry of Finance website.

Publicis Groupe is one of the largest multinational marketing, PR, and advertising companies, present in more than 100 countries and employing around 80,000 specialists. The group offers comprehensive services from consulting to execution, combining marketing transformation and digital business transformation.

Publicis Sapient is a Publicis Groupe company that provides digital business transformation services and is Publicis Groupe’s digital business transformation hub, with 20,000 employees and more than 50 offices worldwide.