More than 1,400 insolvencies in the first quarter of 2021, up almost 7% from previous year

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The number of insolvencies among companies increased by 6.82% in the first quarter of this year, compared to the same period in 2020, according to data from the National Office of the Commerce Register (ONRC), quoted by Agerpres. There were 1,410 insolvencies registered in total.

Most of the entities that went into financial distress are registered in Bucharest, respectively 297, an increase of 112.14% compared to January-March 2020. Following Bucharest, the next places with the most registered insolvencies are the counties of Cluj – with 130 insolvencies and a significant increase (plus 94.03%), Bihor – 108 (minus 20%) and Timiş – 75 (minus 3.85%). 6. Based on the sector of activity, the highest number of insolvencies were recorded in wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles respectively 424 (plus 19.1%), in the construction industry 231 (plus 4.52%) and in the manufacturing industry – 169 (minus 5.06%).

In March 2021, 623 insolvencies were registered, most of them in Bucharest (130) and in the counties of Cluj (52) and Timiş (41).

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