PHOTO, VIDEO ABB unveils Terra 360, an electric car charging station that offers 100 km of range in 3 minutes

ABB, Terra 360 Sursa foto: ABB

ABB, also present in Romania, has unveiled Terra 360, a new charging station for electric vehicles with a maximum power of 360 kW that can charge up to four vehicles simultaneously. According to the Swiss-Swedish company, Terra 360 “enables the fastest charging process on the market”. The ultra-fast charging station can also provide 100 km of range in less than three minutes, according to the company.

The new charging station has a modular design and uses dynamic power distribution so it can charge four vehicles at the same time. With 360 kW, the station is also suitable for vans and fleets of trucks, making it ideal for commercial premises as well as public charging stations and shopping centers.

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As is common with charging stations, Terra 360 chargers are fully customizable, so entities operating the stations can brand their stations with different foiling or by selecting a specific color scheme for the LED light strips. Even advertising is possible on the station, with the option to include an integrated 27″ screen for images and video.

Terra 360 will be available in Europe from the end of 2021 and in the US, Latin America and Asia Pacific regions in 2022.

The electronics and engineering company is 130 years old, entering the mobility market quickly and decisively in 2010. The Swiss-Swedish firm makes charging facilities for electric cars, vans, buses, trains, trucks, port logistics vehicles, yachts and ferries across the globe and is developing hydrogen fuel cell technology for larger ships.

The company employs around 105,000 people in over 100 countries and is also involved in innovations in Formula E World Championship electric car racing, as well as wireless charging projects for on-road embedded vehicles.