Photovoltaic Green House: Over 45,000 applications have been submitted to validated installers

casa locuinta panouri solare fotovoltaice Sursa foto: Pixabay

The Environmental Fund Administration announced on Thursday that 45,614 applications for the Photovoltaic Green House had been submitted by 4 January by validated installers. They will be scheduled for document upload.

“The validated installers in the Photovoltaic Green House Programme have sent us 45,614 dossiers on the lists submitted by 4 January. In the coming days we will schedule the installers for uploading the related documents,” the Environmental Fund Administration said on Thursday.

The decision to schedule the submission of documents into the application was taken after the platform crashed on the last attempt to launch the program.

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AFM President Lorand Arpad also said that the program’s budget will be supplemented to fund all eligible/approved applicants.

The Environment Fund Administration announced at the end of December the modification of the funding guidelines for the Green House Photovoltaic Programme after the failure of the 22 December session.

A new stage has been introduced whereby validated installers can identify eligible applicants based on the documents they have uploaded. There will also be a timetable for the submission of documents to the application to ensure that it works.

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