President of Bucharest Stock Exchange: seven of the 18 companies listed on AeRO this year are from the Technology sector

BVB, Bursa de Valori București

Seven of the 18 companies listed on AeRO this year come from sectors that are related to technology, said Radu Hanga, president of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), quoted by Agerpres. The statement was made on the occasion of the listing of Arobs Transilvania Software.

“It was a special year for us, if we look at the listings that happened. Of the 21 listings, 18 happened on the AeRO market this year on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. If we look at the 18 companies that have listed on the AeRO market, we see that seven of them come from sectors that are related to technology. This is something we are very happy about because, after all, what we want at the Stock Exchange is to have as much representation of the Romanian economy as possible. We want to see represented on the stock exchange companies from the sectors, from the fields that have the most important contribution to the Romanian economy, to our development as a country. Arobs, we are very happy that you managed to raise the 74 million lei. The listing of Arobs should add over 600 million lei to AeRO’s market capitalization. It is by far the largest listing on this market. (…) I know the statements you made about wanting to access the main market in the future. We are glad that you are thinking about it. On the other hand, we are glad that you have chosen the AeRO market, because the AeRO market for us is positioned as a growth market. It’s a market that is for companies that are in a more accelerated growth phase and, in a way, by choosing this platform you are sending a message to investors about the positioning of the company, about where you consider yourself to be today. You see yourself as a company that is growing, a company that is growing at an accelerated pace,” Hanga said.

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Arobs Transilvania Software, the Romanian IT company, debuted today on the AeRO market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, with shares traded under the stock symbol Arobs.

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