Raising pigs on open-air farms has been shown to have a high degree of risk of infection with African swine fever virus (ASF), which is why it is necessary to ban this form of pig breeding during the period when outbreaks of the swine fever are present in Romania. , according to a draft Emergency Ordinance developed by the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) and cited by Agerpres.
The project would have a major impact on Romanian pig farmers, already severely affected by the spread of swine fever in recent years.
Many local pig farms went bankrupt after being forced to close because of plague outbreaks.
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“The current context of the evolution of African swine fever (ASF) in Romania urgently requires more rigorous measures to combat this disease. The economic losses generated by the evolution of the PPA are extremely high, only the amounts for granting compensation amount to almost 50 million euros per year, to which is added the imbalance of the trade balance due to the blockade of trade in pigs and meat products on the European market. export. The National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA), the institution responsible for animal health and welfare, is concentrating all efforts to prevent the spread of this disease. Even in the conditions where the decrease in the number of outbreaks is significant, from 1,220 outbreaks active in September 2019 to 101 at present, the measures must be maintained and intensified because the danger is permanently present. In order to improve the control of this disease, ANSVSA initiated several legislative projects in the elaboration of which it collaborated and consulted with all the entities involved, institutions, but also associations of breeders, producers and processors “, it is shown in a communiqué of ANSVSA, submitted Tuesday AGERPRES.
According to the quoted source, the last of these is a draft Emergency Ordinance (GEO) to establish measures on pig farming, to approve the program for surveillance, prevention and control of African swine fever in Romania, and to amend regulations.
“PPA outbreaks can only be controlled if biosecurity measures are established and applied for each type of farm, and when they are not complied with, drastic sanctions must be taken. This, given that 50% of the 4.1 million pig heads raised in Romania are in non-professional farms. Given the specificity of the African swine fever virus, for which there is no vaccine, compliance with minimum biosecurity measures is one of the most important ways to prevent, “says ANSVSA.