PSD spokesman, Senator Radu Oprea, said on Wednesday at a press conference in Prahova that the party wanted the energy ordinance adopted by the Government yesterday to provide for the compensation of bills for January as well, as the party’s specialists believe it can be applied, but the Justice Ministry gave an opinion that did not agree that the GEO should be applied retroactively.
PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu had a discussion on the issue yesterday at Florin Cîțu’s office in the Senate, leaving the meeting visibly upset and declaring that the Ordinance will not be discussed in the Government meeting, and a new discussion will take place on Wednesday. However, the OUG was adopted on Tuesday evening by the Ciucă Government.
Radu Oprea said that “yesterday’s topic was the energy and gas price ordinance, whether it can be applied for January or not”.
“The opinion of the PSD specialists, both energy and legal experts, was that it could be applied also for January if the GEO is given in January. We also proposed an amendment that we believe is resistant to the lawyers, unfortunately, the Ministry of Justice had a different opinion and you know that the OUG does not provide for January,” said the PSD senator.
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Oprea added: “Given the impact on Romanian citizens, we believe that it was necessary for this Ordinance to apply to January”.
PNL President Florin Cîțu said on Tuesday, after the discussion with PSD President Marcel Ciolacu, asked if the Ordinance would apply to the compensation of bills for January, that he supports any variant if it is constitutional.
“I support it for January, December, and November, the question is whether it supports the Romanian legislation, whether you can do something retroactively,” the PNL leader said, adding that it depends on the Justice Ministry’s opinion. “Let the Ministry of Justice give its opinion on this draft Ordinance, there is no point in discussing it, we agree that it should go to January, there is no problem from our side, the Ministry should do its job and if it is constitutional, it will certainly be adopted today in the Government,” the PNL president said, adding that solutions must be found.
Energy Minister Virgil Popescu said on Tuesday, after the Government meeting, that the emergency ordinance adopted by the Government on Tuesday includes the possibility for the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) to impose fines of up to 200,000 lei on energy suppliers who do not apply the ceilings and compensations provided by law. “There remains the provision that suppliers are obliged to replenish all invoices,” the Energy Minister added.