Restaurants will remain open for the vaccinated, regardless of the incidence rate, announces Prime Minister Florin Cîțu

cafenea cafenea restaurant bar

Restaurants in Romania will be able to remain open regardless of the incidence rate if staff and customers are vaccinated, Prime Minister Florin Cîțu announced on Wednesday, saying the changes will be made at the next meeting of the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU). The HoReCa sector had previously requested to be decoupled from the incidence rate.

“We have already asked Mr (Raed, editor’s note) Arafat to amend the CNSU decision. Today we might have the CNSU allowing economic activities of this kind, especially in HoReCa, to remain open if vaccinated staff and for vaccinated people. Regardless of the incidence rate. Vaccinated people can go to restaurants even if those there are vaccinated. We must not penalize those who are vaccinated and this is a principle I do not want to deviate from,” Prime Minister FLorin Cîțu said on Wednesday.

He said he would decide which other activities would benefit from the same rules, depending on the proposals received.

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He then went on to make a number of further clarifications on a second, more relaxed option, in which not only the vaccine would be essential: “Of course there is also the green certificate only variant, but let the employees be tested, passed through the disease and vaccinated, and those who go, the customers, be also green certified. Both options are on the table. These are my proposals for Mr Arafat to take to the committee for discussion. I will see what he comes back with after the specialists discuss it among themselves,” said Cîțu.

It should be recalled that the Employers’ Organization of Hotels and Restaurants in Romania (HORA) sent an open letter to the Government on Wednesday asking for the field to be disconnected from the incidence rate and for restaurants to be allowed free access on the basis of a green certificate.