Romanians skeptical to work abroad during this period. The UK has dropped from to the top of preferred location/ Employers abroad continue to look for sourcing in Romania

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Only 1.4% of Romanians’ monthly job applications are for jobs abroad. Great Britain has fallen considerably from the top of preferences after Brexit, and Germany, Holland, and France are now the first options for Romanians who want to work abroad.

About 2,500 new jobs are posted every month by employers abroad, who continue to look to source candidates in Romania. However, Romanian applicants remain, at least for some period, interested almost exclusively in the job offers in Romania, given that the number of applications for positions abroad is just 15,000, or just 1.4% of total applications registered during the month of April on, the largest online recruitment platform in Romania.

Those who decide to go abroad, however, apply mainly for jobs in Germany, the Netherlands, France, Hungary, and Belgium. Italy and Spain are still quite low in the rankings, but the surprise comes from the United Kingdom, which was, until last year, in the top 5 destinations. It is now only in 8th place, mainly due to the restrictions that the United Kingdom has imposed in the last year.

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“Most applications are in the 25-35 and 18-24 age segments, and the areas they are targeting are construction, retail, transportation, production, and the food industry. If in the past months we saw many IT professionals applying for positions abroad, now the figures are decreasing for this category, but they are increasing for the jobs they have available in Romania. Also, even for young candidates, full-time jobs are what they are interested in, while seasonal projects accumulate a relatively small number of applications “, says Bogdan Badea, CEO of eJobs Romania.

In terms of the number of jobs posted in April, out of the almost 2,500 open positions, more than 600 are from employers in Spain, about 550 in Germany, and 350 to those in the Netherlands. Jobs from France, Great Britain, Hungary, and Switzerland follow. From one of the biggest employers in recent years, Italy has now dropped to the end of the rankings, with less than 100 jobs for Romanian candidates.

“It is likely that in the next half year we will see a slight increase in the dynamics in terms of employment and applications abroad. Both candidates and employers are beginning to gain confidence as the number of people vaccinated increases at the European level, but also as the restrictions imposed by the authorities relax. In addition, we are approaching the opening of the tourist season, and this was an area that annually attracted candidates and put job offers on the market “, adds Bogdan Badea.

The areas for which there is currently the highest demand for labor at the European level are transport, construction, production, the food industry, medicine, services, and retail.