Sought out summer vacation destinations by Romanians: seaside and spa resorts

vacanta, relaxare Sursa foto: Travelminit, Facebook

The seaside resorts Mamaia, Eforie Nord, and Costinesti, but also the spas like Sovata, Băile Felix, and Băile Herculane, are among the top destinations sought by Romanians for this summer’s vacation, according to a report by the portal, quoted of Agepres. The average price for 5 nights accommodation for 2 adults and 2 children is approximately 1,850 lei.

“In the top of the destinations sought by Romanians for the summer vacation are the seaside resorts, with Mamaia, Eforie Nord, and Costinesti at the top of the preferrences. The spa resorts Sovata, Băile Felix and Băile Herculane follow close behind, a sign that people now want as much relaxation as possible at the beach or at the pool, moments of peace, but also fun. Last but not least, the big cities, such as Brasov, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, and Bucharest, are also this year at the top of the places sought by tourists for the summer”, the representatives from the tourism platform transmit.

The price for a stay that includes 2 nights for 2 adults starts from 490 lei. For 3 adults, the average price for 4 nights accommodation in a hotel is about 1700 lei, while the rate for the same package at guesthouses is lower and starts at 1200 lei. “Summer bookings have started and the number of domestic bookings has increased significantly in the last two weeks. The seaside is at the top of Romanians’ preferences, but mountain destinations are also in high demand “, says Timea Ambrus, operational manager of the online hotel platform

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