What you need to know when you want to terminate your phone contract. ANCOM advice

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Users are advised to check the terms of a contract with a telephone service provider before asking for it to be terminated, warns the National Authority for Administration and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM).
When seeking to terminate a contract for telephone services, users are advised to check, among other things, whether the initial contractual period has expired, in which case no penalty is charged for termination, Agerpres reports. They should also check the penalties that apply if they request termination of the contract before the initial period has expired.

In addition, according to ANCOM, users should also check the time limit and modalities for submitting a termination request, as well as the time limit within which the termination is actually carried out (e.g. 30 days from the date of the user’s request).

All this information must be in the contract, says the authority.

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“Some providers offer the possibility to request termination by telephone. However, it is safer if the request is addressed in writing and is sent by post, with acknowledgement of receipt, email or is handed in at a supplier’s point of business/store, in the latter case users are advised to ask for a registration number,” ANCOM says.

Authority representatives say that when users request to switch from a subscription to a prepaid card with the same phone provider, they should bear in mind that this is a matter of each provider’s commercial policy. It is therefore up to the providers whether and under what conditions they accept such requests from users, which is not regulated by electronic communications legislation.

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Thus, if the provider refuses such a request and users are not particularly interested in its services, but only in keeping their telephone number and benefiting from prepaid services, they have the possibility to port their telephone number. In this case, users should bear in mind that the porting request is at the same time a request to terminate the contract they have with the provider from whose network they are leaving and will not be exempt from paying any early termination fees.

In addition to the information provided for in the contracts concluded with users, Romanian telephone service providers are obliged to publish on their websites information related to the termination of contracts concluded with users, thus complying with ANCOM Decision No 158/2015 on end-user information obligations. At the same time, they must publish information on the steps that users must take to terminate the contract, as well as the e-mail address, postal address and telephone/fax number to which users can send their request for termination.

Romanian telephone service providers are also obliged to publish standard forms/forms if they are required to be completed, as well as information on how users can take possession of them, if applicable, and information on the penalties that may be applied in the event of early termination, if such penalties are charged.

According to ANCOM Decision No 158/2015, all information for users must be provided on providers’ websites in an easily accessible place, presented in a visible and well-structured manner. ANCOM may take action if the provider has not provided information on termination of contracts in the contract or on its website.

“If a provider refuses to comply with a request to switch from a subscription to a prepaid card on its network, ANCOM cannot intervene because in this case there has been no breach of electronic communications legislation. If, however, the contract regulates such a situation and the provider does not comply with this contractual provision or if the provider does not comply with a request to terminate the contract, users who are consumers (individuals) may apply to the National Authority for Consumer Protection,” the press release adds.

The ANCOM InfoCentre provides users with useful information on electronic communications services (telephone, internet and television) and postal services, to help them choose and use these services. The information mainly concerns the conclusion of contracts, pricing, quality of service, unlocking terminals or roaming. In addition, users can find dedicated guides on topics such as phone fraud and internet access services.

ANCOM is the institution that promotes the interests of service users by fostering competition and innovation in the electronic communications and postal markets, pro-competitive management of scarce resources (radio spectrum, numbering resources and associated technical resources), encouraging efficient investment in networks and infrastructure and promoting ultra-fast connectivity.