Digitalization in agriculture. A grain producer in Vrancea announces full automation of operations

frizon group, agricultura Sursa foto: Frizon, Facebook

Grain producer Frizon Group announces the full automation of its operations, with the company completing the integration of an information network that develops artificial intelligence (AI) solution and a comprehensive management software that supports management decision-making – technical, financial, investment – based on statistical information, Agerpres reports.

The full automation of the systems allows the generation of operations scenarios seven years in advance, with a significant impact in reducing risks and expenses.

The investment in equipment and computer modules began in 2014 with the automation of decisions specific to agricultural production and aims to achieve an autonomous solution, in the category of artificial intelligence (AI). The year 2021 is the year in which the integration of systems and modules has reached 100%, and by 2022 AI scripts will be in place so that by 2025 the AI solution will reach the self-learning, self-improving stage.

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“Our big competitive advantage is that we started early. We had time to correlate the new information systems and let the machine learn, accumulate data and refine its scripts. This automation starts from the information in the field and goes all the way through to digitizing the document flow, from weather stations to optical recognition of information in accounting documents. Eliminating human errors and delays translates into substantial savings and the development of an innovative business model for the agricultural sector in Romania. We currently manage 4,200 ha of land with only 23 employees, relying on the benefits of integrated automation,” said Teofil Dascălu, CEO of Frizon Group.

The tasks assigned to farm AI are so numerous and complex that the resulting strategies are based on layers of separate interconnected elements. These levels include works and consumption module, crop rotation module and geographically referenced information retrieval, climate data module, financial accounting module, event positioning module. In addition, an accounting program optimized by OCR-isation procedures has been implemented, which allows accounting documents to be digitalized and linked to expenditure categories and accounting accounts.

Digitalization and innovation has enabled the company to operate larger areas at lower costs, predicting a critical solution in 2020 when the disastrous effect of drought was avoided by taking out specialist insurance.

Frizon Group is a grain producer, leader in precision agriculture. With a 5-fold increase in the area under cultivation, Frizon currently manages 4,200 ha in south-eastern Romania, of which 700 ha are its own, in Măicănești, Nănești and Nămoloasa. The company produces over 35,000 tonnes of cereals (maize, sunflower, barley and soya) annually and has a storage capacity of 44,000 tonnes of cereals with rail access.