Event organizers become eligible for pandemic financial support

jazz in the park, evenimente in pandemie, evenimente culturale Sursa foto: Jazz in the Park 2020, Facebook

On Friday, President Klaus Iohannis promulgated the law by which the event organizers are included in the categories eligible to receive financial support for enterprises in the field of tourism, public catering, whose activity was affected in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, News reports. ro. Approximately 74,000 beneficiaries are granted state aid.

The head of state signed the decree for the promulgation of the Law on the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 10/2021 for the amendment and completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 224/2020 on some measures for providing financial support for tourism enterprises, accommodation structures, food structures and travel agencies, whose activity has been affected in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as on some fiscal measures.

The respective ordinance establishes “the legal framework regarding the establishment of a state aid scheme regarding the granting of financing from national public funds and / or from external funds for enterprises in the field of tourism, public catering and event organization, whose activity was affected in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic ”, according to the promulgated law.

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State aid is granted to approximately 74,000 beneficiaries.

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“This aid may be combined with other support measures granted under Section 3.1 of the Communication from the European Commission – Temporary Framework for State Aid Measures to Support the Economy in the Context of the Current COVID-19 Epidemic (2020 / C91 I / 01), with subsequent amendments and completions, within the limit of the equivalent in lei of the amount of 1,800,000 euros, as well as with aid granted under other sections of the communication, in accordance with the provisions of its specific sections on cumulation “, the act also states normative.

According to the quoted source, “beneficiaries of state aid are tourist reception structures with classified accommodation functions, food structures registered for fiscal purposes on the Romanian territory, licensed travel agencies, certified travel guides and event organizers, which carry out their activity on the territory of Romania and which receive state aid, according to this scheme, owned by or organized as enterprises established under the Companies Law no. 31/1990, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions, of Law no. 1/2005 on the organization and functioning cooperation, republished, with subsequent amendments, of GEO no. 6/2011 for stimulating the establishment and development of micro-enterprises by start-up entrepreneurs in business, approved with amendments by Law no. 301/2011, with subsequent amendments and completions, of GEO no. 44/2008 regarding the development of economic activities by authorized natural persons, individual enterprises and family enterprises, approved with modifications and completions by Law no. 182/2016 ”.

Therefore, “The beneficiaries of this scheme are licensed travel agencies that carry out activities according to CAEN codes 7911, 7912, 7990, tourist reception structures with classified accommodation functions, that carry out activities according to CAEN codes 5510, 5520, 5530, 5590, tourist structures catering activities under the CAEN codes 5610, 5621, 5629, 5630, event organizers carrying out activities according to the CAEN code 8230 and registered for tax purposes in Romania, as well as tourist guides carrying out activities according to the CAEN code 7990. they are eligible if they are carried out on the basis of valid tourist licenses, classification certificates, operating authorizations or tourist guide certificates ”, according to the quoted source.

From these grants, the beneficiaries can pay fiscal obligations and other budgetary receivables that are registered for payment after the date of granting the state aid and until the expiration of the period of 6 months, respectively 12 months from the date of the first payment, stipulates the project.

“The beneficiaries of the state aid scheme have the obligation to maintain the activity for which they obtained financing for at least 6 months or 12 months from the date of the first payment, if the value of the grant is higher than the RON equivalent of the amount of 200,000 euros, if by normative acts no restrictions are established in order to impose the suspension or interruption of the commercial activity. The period of suspension or interruption of the commercial activity is not taken into account when determining the term of 6 months, respectively 12 months from the date of the first payment ”, according to another amendment.