Festival organizers are taking a step back. Electric Castle Festival from Cluj officially announces the cancellation of the 2021 edition: “The festival cannot be organized under the conditions of the restrictions and measures announced by the authorities”

Electric Castle Cluj, festival Sursa foto: Electric Castle (2019), Facebook

One of the largest festivals in Romania, Electric Castle, will not be organized this year, for the second consecutive year, due to the coronavirus pandemic and the necessary restrictions to limit the spread of the virus. It is one of the largest music festivals in the country, given that the 2019 edition (the most recent organized) had gathered over 230,000 participants, according to figures published by the organizers. Earlier, they announced that the 2021 edition would be held on July 14-18.

“We have sad news. Electric Castle will not take place this year “, the organizers of the festival from the castle in Bonțida announced today. The reason – the festival cannot be organized under the conditions of restrictions and measures announced by the authorities with reference to large-scale events. “Following the measures and restrictions for events recently announced by the authorities for the next period, there is no real scenario that would allow us to organize EC8 in 2021. It takes a full year of work to plan all the details of an event of such magnitude. In addition, the situation of the pandemic fluctuates, and this leads to the rescheduling or cancellation of artists’ tours throughout Europe “, the organizers said, as quoted by Actualdecluj.ro.

The festival was postponed to July 13-17, next year, with the same headliners: Twenty One Pilots, Gorillaz, and Deftones. “At this moment we can’t even imagine what it will be like to reopen the festival gates to see each other again after this long and painful absence. All tickets remain valid for next year. There will also be options for refunding tickets. We will come back with more details soon “, they added. “From the fans and all those who work in this industry, we all hope to be able to enjoy concerts and festivals as soon as possible. Until then, take care of yourselves. We really miss everyone “, the organizers also said.

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Representatives for the event industry have recently complained about the conditions imposed by the authorities. The Association of Workers in the Performing Arts (ALIS), the Romanian Association of Organizers of Concerts and Cultural Events (AROC), the Board of Trustees of Event Technology Companies (PACTE), and the Association for Theater, Film, Music, and Dance (MUZE) claim that “relaxation measures” announced by the authorities in this field are in fact harsher than a few months ago and they say that it amounts to discrimination against other sectors. Industry representatives say in a statement that they do not understand why the infection rate at county/locality level above 3/1000 is still considered a criterion for banning all events, although according to the rules communicated, people entering the space of the event do it based on a medical certificate, with vaccine proof, or by presenting a negative test, so they can’t transmit the virus.

Translated from Romanian by Service For Life S.R.L.

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