In just six hours before Black Friday, Romanians purchased 236 million lei worth of goods, up 10% from last year

cumparaturi online card foto pexels-karolina-grabowska sursa foto: Pexels/ Karolina Grabowska

The total volume of Black Friday transactions in Romania reached 236.16 million lei, six hours after the start of the campaign, up by almost 10% compared to the results recorded in 2020, according to data published in real time by PayU Romania and quoted by Agerpres.

The total number of transactions, recorded at 13:15, reached 377,728, more than a third more than the previous year, while the volume of one-click payments reached almost 140 million lei, up 25.85% year-on-year.

According to the quoted source, the total number of one-click payments amounted to 251,604, about 64% above the previous year’s result.

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As for cross-border transactions, PayU data show a volume of almost 15 million lei (+16.16%), and the number of this type of transactions was 31,322 (+46.27%).

In the top countries from which purchases were made in the Romanian Black Friday campaign, according to the issuing bank, are the UK, with a number of transactions of 17,882 (+57.49%), Ukraine (10,402 transactions, +33.44%) and the USA (1,038 transactions, +3.34%).

On the list of favorite products ordered the IT&C segment continues to lead – with 252,755 transactions (+67.19%), followed by eTal (105,525 transactions, +28.32%) and Apparel (11,196 transactions, +2.98%).