More than 3,500 companies and PFAs became insolvent in the first seven months of the year (Registry of Commerce)

onrc, registrul comertului Sursa foto: Inquam Photos / Octav Ganea

The number of companies and authorized persons (PFA) entering into insolvency increased by more than 11% in the first seven months of this year compared to the same period in 2020, with 3,538 insolvencies recorded, according to data published on the website of the National Trade Registry Office (ONRC), cited by Agerpres.

The most firms and PFAs entering insolvency were registered in Bucharest, namely 669, a slight increase – 0.90% – compared to the January-July 2020 interval, when 663 firms were recorded.

The next counties in the insolvency hierarchy are Cluj – with 305 insolvencies (up 61.38%), Bihor – 249 (up 3.32%) and Timis – 174 (up 3.57%).

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The fewest insolvencies were recorded in Harghita (10), Covasna and Tulcea counties (14 each) and Vaslui (17).

By sector of activity, the highest number of insolvencies was recorded in wholesale, retail trade, motor vehicle and motorcycle repair – 1,045 (plus 15.47%), construction – 590 (plus 15.69%) and manufacturing – 448 (14.58%).

In July 2021, 462 insolvencies were registered, most of them in the Capital (65) and in Cluj (39), Bihor (25) and Timiș (22) counties.