Retail saw turnover increase of 8.7% in the first four months of the year compared to the same period last year

casa de marcat Sursa foto: Pixabay

The volume of turnover in retail (excluding trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles) increased in the first four months of the year compared to the same period last year both at gross level – by 12.5%, and also as adjusted according to the number of working days and seasonality, by 8.7%, show the data published by the National Institute of Statistics. In April, there were increases compared to the previous month and compared to the same month last year.

The main sectors that saw an increase are sales of non-food products (+ 22.0%), the retail trade of motor fuels in specialty stores (+ 9.3%) and sales of food, beverages and tobacco (+ 5.2%).

In April 2021 the volume of turnover in retail trade (excluding trade motor vehicles and motorcycles) increased compared to the previous month both in gross series by 5% and and as a series adjusted for the number of working days and seasonality by 1.2%.

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Compared to the corresponding month of the previous year, the turnover in trade with retail trade (excluding trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles) increased both as a gross series by 42.8%, as well as as a series adjusted according to the number of working days and seasonality with 38.4%.

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