The National Tax Administration Agency has launched 100 control actions at economic operators to verify compliance with the connection of all electronic tax tallying machines with electronic logs, the institution announced in a press release.
At the economic operators where the checks were completed, ANAF inspectors found that 87% of them complied, and for the others, who did not connect, fines were imposed, according to the legislation in force.
The tax authorities remind economic operators that the deadline for connecting cash registers to the ANAF server is November 30, 2021. This deadline will not be extended.
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On the portal, section “Connection of electronic tax cash registers to the MF-ANAF IT system”, available at the following link taxpayers can access detailed information about the connection (Legislation, Connection Guide, AMEF records, etc.).
The control actions carried out by ANAF on this topic will continue in the coming period both to prevent and combat tax evasion and to ensure a proper competitive environment, says the institution.