Romania attracted 1.5 billion euros in foreign direct investment in the first quarter

Bugetul familiei, bani Sursa foto: Pexels

Foreign direct investment reached 1.535 billion euros in the first three months, according to data from the National Bank of Romania quoted by Agerpres. In the same period last year, the data show a negative value of 399 million euros.

“Direct investments of non-residents in Romania amounted to 1.535 billion euros (compared to -399 million euros in January-March 2020), of which equity participation (including estimated net reinvested profit) amounted to a net value of 1.371 billion euros, and the intragroup loans registered the net value of 164 million euros “, the NBR transmitted.

The number of newly established foreign capital companies in Romania increased in the first three months of 2021 by 2.9%, compared to the same period in 2020, to 1,236 units, according to data centralized by the National Trade Register Office (ONRC). The 1,236 new companies had a subscribed share capital in the total amount of 12.316 million dollars, 6.1 times higher than that of the companies registered in January-March 2020, of 2.015 million dollars.

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Most companies registered in February 2021 were registered in professional, administrative, scientific, and technical activities fields (26.33%), wholesale and retail trade, car and motorcycle repair (25.64% of the total), and transport, storage, and communications (15.24%). At the end of March 2021, in Romania, there were 232,212 companies with foreign participation in the share capital. The value of the subscribed capital was 64.943 billion dollars.

The largest number of companies with foreign participation was from investors from Italy, respectively 49,827 (subscribed capital of 3.859 billion dollars), but the highest value of the share capital belongs to Dutch companies, respectively 13.112 billion dollars, in 5,559 companies.

Translated from Romanian by Service For Life S.R.L.