The government has approved the winter energy program. Energy Minister: We have enough energy reserves for this winter

Virgil Popescu Sursa foto: Inquam Photos / Octav Ganea

The executive approved on Friday, at the proposal of the Ministry of Energy, the Government Decision approving the winter programme in the energy sector, the ministry informs in a press release.

The decision concerns measures on the level of safety and security in the operation of the National Electricity System, as well as measures in connection with the realization of safety stocks of the NES in terms of fuels and the volume of water in reservoirs for the period from 1 November 2021 to 31 March 2022.

“We are ready for the cold season. We have sufficient energy reserves for this winter. That is why we have adopted the Winter Programme to have all the tools at our disposal to manage any problems that might arise,” said Virgil Popescu, Minister of Energy.

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The Winter Programme is addressed to all electricity producers and cogeneration electricity and heat producers and runs from 1 November 2020 to 31 March 2021.

At the same time, this decision establishes the Winter Energy Command, which will monitor the operation of the National Electricity System and the National Natural Gas Transmission System from 1 November 2021 to 31 March 2022. Representatives of the competent state institutions and authorities in the field of energy, as well as economic operators in the electricity and natural gas sector are part of the Command.