The National Authority for Consumer Protection helps with the implementation of the insolvency law for individuals

insolventa, faliment Sursa foto: Pixabay

The National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) is supporting, through the Insolvency Directorate for Individuals, the implementation of the Insolvency Law for individuals, the ANPC announces, as quoted by Agerpres.

“Due to the introduction of the procedure for the insolvency of individuals, the framework was created that allows the protection of consumers who have debts or loans and installments to banks, debtors of good faith that found themselves in situations where they become unable to pays their debts. ANPC supports, through the Insolvency Directorate for Individuals, the implementation of the Insolvency Law for individuals no. 151/2015 by advising the consumers targeted by the normative act, but also by supporting the activity of the Territorial Commissions found at the level of each county  ”, the ANPC representatives transmitted.

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The ANPC recommends to interested persons to access the website – Individual Insolvency section, the “Individual Insolvency” Facebook page or to contact directly the specialized staff from the locations of the County Commissariats for Consumer Protection for additional details and information.

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Translated from Romanian by Service For Life S.R.L.