105 million euros in funding for agricultural and forestry infrastructure projects

ferma androangus Sursa foto: ferma Androangus, Faceboook

From the end of the month, those interested in accessing European funds for agricultural and forestry infrastructure can submit their projects, the Ministry of Agriculture has announced. The available budget is €105m.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) announces the launch of the project submission session for sub-measure 4.3 – Investments for the development, modernization or adaptation of agricultural and forestry infrastructure – agricultural access infrastructure component, under Measure 4 – Investments in physical assets, from 28 October 2021 to 27 January 2022.

The financial allocation for the annual continuous project submission session is almost EUR 105 million.

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Those interested in accessing European funds through this sub-measure can find details on the submission of projects, the general conditions of participation and the monthly quality thresholds on the websites of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Rural Investment Financing Agency.