Decathlon to deliver products at easyboxes through a partnership with Sameday

Decathlon biciclete

Sports retailer Decathlon will deliver products ordered online and to Sameday’s easybox lockers, as well as to your door, from this autumn through a delivery partnership with the courier company.

Starting in the second half of 2021, Sameday will offer Decathlon easybox and door-to-door delivery services, helping to support the retailer’s e-commerce growth strategy and ensure Decathlon customers have access to products ordered online.

With more than 1,500 points in Romania, the service offers quick delivery and return options, directly to the locker, but also access to an interface, developed from scratch and improved over time based on user feedback.

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In addition, both companies benefit from technologised logistics centres.

Decathlon currently has 28 stores nationwide, plus an online platform, and has been present in sports retail in Romania since 2009, with around 1,500 employees in 2021.

Sameday operates the most extensive locker network in Romania and Hungary. The company has over 3,500 employees and partners, offering both door-to-door delivery services and delivery to over 1,500 easybox lockers.