Business organization proposes that Romania becomes a “cybersecurity paradise”

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Romanian Business Leaders proposes a project to attract to Romania the big companies from the USA, and the world, obliged by the decision of the European Court of Justice to maintain data servers in the community, announces the association, quoted by Agerpres.

Following a ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), non-EU companies are forced to find solutions for relocating data servers or even business administration across the Union if they intend to process, in the future, personal data of European citizens.

In this context, Romanian Business Leaders proposes a project to attract to Romania the large companies from the USA and the world targeted by the CJEU decision, with the desire to lead to the creation of a sectoral country brand – “Romania, your Privacy Destination”. The project was initiated and is coordinated within the Foundation by Andreea Vlănţoiu, data protection lawyer and founder of Vlănţoiu and Associates.

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,,With the allocation of the necessary expertise and political involvement, Romania could be quickly put on the world map of technology. As Estonia is known as a successful example of digital innovation, Romania could soon become a paradise for data confidentiality and cybersecurity, with a long-term gain “, said Andreea Vlănţoiu.

In the race for hosting and data management of large companies, Romania has a number of competitive advantages, say the initiators of the project: internet speed, proven experience in creating successful technology companies, good positioning in the ranking of digital skills and education, lower cost of human resources compared to other EU countries. It is also essential that the new European Center of Competence in Cybersecurity will be based in Bucharest, being the first agency of the European Union that our country hosts.

,, Romania’s official empowerment in the field of cybersecurity at EU level is an excellent opportunity for Romania to highlight its capabilities and promote itself in non-EU jurisdictions as a cyber and legal safe place for personal data “, Adds Andreea Vlănţoiu.

Romanian Business Leaders (RBL) is an apolitical, non-governmental and non-profit organization that brings together over 1000 entrepreneurs and business leaders from the private business environment.

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