Car production in Romania continues to decline. In October it was down 6.54% compared to the same month of 2020

acarom Sursa foto: ACAROM

Car production in Romania reached a volume of 333,179 units in the first ten months of the year, down by 6.54% compared to the same period in 2020, according to data from the Romanian Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACAROM).

In the first ten months of 2020, total car production in Romania was 356,491 units, higher than now, the semiconductor crisis had not yet fully hit.

According to centralized data, of the 333,179 cars produced nationwide from January to October 2021, a total of 208,104 Dacia units were built, and 125,075 Ford units.

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In October 2021 alone, 18,277 cars were produced locally, down by more than 10,000 units compared to September 2021, when 29,077 cars were produced on the Romanian market.

Of the total reported in October 2021, 13,820 units were produced at the Dacia plant and 4,457 units at the Ford plant in Craiova.