The National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC) announces the creation of the Special Black Friday Command, which aims to monitor 24 hours a day, the offers with promotions during this period, regardless of the field of activity, Agerpres writes.
“We decided to set up this command after seeing the results of the controls of the past few days on those who “stole the start” of the discount campaign. As we have always said, we have zero tolerance for any deviation from the legislation in this field. As part of the “Consumer Protection is not negotiable!” campaign, we want this commandment to prevent Black Friday from turning into a Day of the Crooks”, said ANPC President Claudiu Dolot.
According to a press release from the institution, the Command, whose operating strategy was established following a videoconference with all chief commissioners and deputy chief commissioners in the country, is coordinated by Paul Anghel, director general of ANPC.
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“We remind consumers that sales at reduced prices, regardless of their type (clearance, clearance, promotional sales) must comply with a number of rules on price fixing and advertising. Thus, any trader who advertises a price reduction must relate it to the reference price charged in the same sales area for identical products. The discounted price must be lower than the reference price. The reference price is the lowest price charged in the same sales outlet during the last 30 days before the date of application of the reduced price,” the source warns,
In this context, the ANPC has made available to consumers throughout the country a dedicated e-mail address,, to which they are invited to send photos or any documents that may be useful in investigations related to the promotions of this period.