Estimates for 2022: Higher loan payments and more difficult access to credit

imobiliar, locuinta, casa Sursa foto: Pexels/Photomix Company

The ROBOR index, which is used to calculate 3-month interest rates on loans in lei, reached 3.01% per year, 50% more than a year ago, and economic analysts expect the index to continue to rise, Digi24 notes. The central bank could also raise the key interest rate again in less than a week. Romanians should expect to pay higher interest rates and have more difficult access to credit in 2022, economic analysts say.

At the beginning of 2021, the 3-month ROBOR was 1.98%. The index ended the year at 3.01%, double the mid-year level.

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Digi24 calculations show that for a mortgage loan of 225,000 lei, taken over 30 years, the monthly payment three months ago was 1,241 lei. At the beginning of the year, the payment If the three-month ROBOR continues to rise and reaches 4% at the end of the year, we will end up paying a monthly rate of 1,567 lei for the same loan, 145 more than we paid at the beginning of 2022.

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