2 out of 10 Romanians would go to work or send their children to study in another EU country, and the favorite destination is the UK, according to a survey conducted by Avangarde for G4Media.ro. Low wages in Romania are the main reason why Romanians would leave the country, with corruption and the political class at the bottom of the list of dissatisfactions.
When asked “Do you personally intend to leave Romania to work in an EU country in the next period?”, 72% of respondents answered no, while 19% answered yes.
As for the intention to move permanently from Romania to another EU country, 12% of Romanians want to do so, while 77% do not.
The top dissatisfaction of those who want to move abroad starts with low wages in Romania, with almost 4 in 10 Romanians offering this reason. This is followed by dissatisfaction with lifestyle, the future of Romania, the political class or corruption.
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The main destination for Romanians who want to leave the country is the UK, with 35% of respondents saying they would work or move to the island permanently. This is followed by Germany – 18%, Italy – 11%, France – 8% and Spain – 3%.
On the other hand, 1 in 10 Romanians would go to work or permanently move to the US if visa requirements were lifted, while 72% said they would not.
43% of those surveyed have close family members (parents, siblings, children, cousins, etc.) who are working abroad.
The survey was conducted by Avangarde from 15 to19 of August 2021 on a sample of 830 people using the CATI method, telephone interviews.