Iohannis: I nominate Nicolae Ciucă to form a governing team. A solid majority of the PNL, the PSD, the UDMR and the minorities group has been formed / Ciucă: We hope to get down to business on Thursday

Nicolae Ciuca, Klaus Iohannis Sursa foto: Ilona Andrei /

President Klaus Iohannis announced on Monday, after consultations with the parties, that he has nominated Nicolae Ciucă for Prime Minister. has LIVE coverage of the President’s statements.

Klaus Iohannis:

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I have noted that a solid majority has been formed in the Romanian Parliament, including the PNL,  the PSD,  the UDMR and the minority group.

The representatives of this majority wanted to come together for consultations and we had a very good discussion.

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This majority proposed a name for a Prime Minister, which I accepted.

I nominate Nicolae Ciucă to form a government team and to present himself to the Romanian Parliament for a vote of confidence.

Nicolae Ciucă:

We have worked with the parties to be able to aggregate a government program and to build a solid coalition in Parliament so that we can achieve a government that will ensure the stability of the country and solutions to the effects of the pandemic, the energy crisis, to have a government program that will implement the decisions that have not yet been taken to implement the PNRR.

It is as obvious as possible that this is the first time in the government program that we have solid investments and social measures for all the problems created by the crisis situation in which we find ourselves.

We hope that from Thursday we will get down to serious work.