Porsche Engineering to open a 2,100 sqm office next year in the UBC 0 office building developed by Iulius in Timisoara

Iulius Town Timisoara Sursa foto: Iulius

Porsche’s engineering division in Romania is expanding its network of research centers for the development of intelligent vehicles by opening its new office in the United Business Center (UBC) 0 building in Iulius Town Timisoara in 2022. The company will occupy an area of 2,100 sqm. At the moment, Porsche engineers are working in a temporary space in UBC 3.

Porsche will open its office in UBC 0 in Iulius Town from the second quarter of 2022.

“Porsche Engineering Romania chose Iulius Town for the many facilities it offers, which help our employees to strengthen their work-life balance. At the same time, the building is in a really great location and our floor will have a similar view to the one in Cluj-Napoca”, says Marius Mihailovici, General Manager Porsche Engineering Romania.

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From next year, about 50 employees will work in the new premises, and in the medium term there are plans to expand to a team of 200 employees, specializing in software development and testing.

Porsche Engineering Romania is a wholly owned subsidiary of Porsche Engineering Group GmbH and is fully integrated into the global Porsche Engineering network, which employs 1,500 people worldwide in Germany, the Czech Republic, Romania, Italy and China.

United Business Center Timisoara is part of the largest urban regeneration project in Romania, Iulius Town. With three premium office buildings totaling 50,000 rentable square meters, UBC Timisoara represents a business community with over 30 multinational companies and more than 5,000 employees.

United Business Center 0 is the fourth office building in the project and is currently under construction. It will be inaugurated in the second quarter of 2022 and will have a surface area of 30,000 sqm, spread over 17 levels. The building will have mixed functions of office, retail, conference rooms and medical hub, tailored to the dynamics of the market, and will house IT&C and automotive companies.