Rising energy bills cause higher mountain accommodation and cable rates

schi straja sursa Complex Montana FB 1 sursa foto: Facebook/ Complex Montana

Due to the 25% increase in the prices of utilities and products necessary for the proper functioning of the tourist activity, hoteliers in Poiana Brasov are forced to increase accommodation prices by up to 15%, Rador reports. Rates for cableways used by skiers could also rise.

“This year we will have room around 500 lei, with access to the SPA, indoor playground, outdoor, bowling alley, which they make available to customers vaccinated. For the winter holidays, Christmas packages around 3500 lei for two people, double room, and New Year’s Eve around 6000 lei double room. We can’t do events, but a show can be organised, with live music,” explained Gabriel Roșca, a hotelier in Poiana Brașov.

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Roxana Cojocea, president of the Poiana Brasov Tourism Association, says that even cable transport prices could be increased: “Cable transport is going to undergo tariff changes, but for the moment everything is at the discussion level within Brasov City Hall. We assure all customers who decide to spend their stay in Poiana Brasov of the seriousness with which the hoteliers respect the sanitary and distance rules as long as they are necessary and also of the fact that they will benefit from the best services”, said Roxana Cojocea.

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At the moment, the occupancy rate in hotels and guesthouses in Poiana Brasov for the winter holidays is already over 50%.
Those who book now can benefit from discounts of up to 10% on accommodation rates, Rador added.