The European Commission has approved a state aid scheme of 46 million euros for cattle breeders in Romania


The European Commission has approved an aid scheme worth 225 million lei (approximately 46 million euros) launched by the Romanian authorities aimed at support cattle breeders affected by the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, informs the community executive, according to Agerpres.

Public support will be provided in the form of direct grants to address the loss of income of cattle breeders in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The European Commission has decided that the Romanian scheme is in line with the conditions provided in the temporary framework, in particular, the grants do not exceed 255,000 euros per beneficiary, as provided in the temporary framework for enterprises operating in the field of primary agricultural production. Second, support can be granted until 31 December 2021.

“The European Commission has found that this support measure is necessary, appropriate, and proportionate to remedy a serious disruption to the economy of a Member State of the European Union,” the European Commission statement said.

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In late March, Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Adrian Oros announced that farmers who currently are registered as cattle owners will receive more substantial financial support this year in the form of Covid aid, while those registered as cattle owners since 2013, the historical reference date provided in the regulation according to which the Transitional National Aid (NTA) is granted, will receive only some minimum funds. Adrian Oros specified that the total amounts allocated for dairy and meat cattle in the form of Covid aid will be 222 million lei, while for animals reported in 2013 only 8 million lei, respectively some “symbolic amounts”.

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