Six out of 10 Romanian employees rely only on state money after retirement. Eight out of ten consider continuing to work (survey)

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More than six out of ten Romanian employees say they currently have no plan to supplement their income when they retire, such as private pensions or real estate assets they can rent or sell, relying strictly on the money they will receive from their state pension, data from a survey conducted by recruitment platform Bestjobs shows, Agerpres reports.

Under these circumstances, two in ten employees say they will definitely continue working, even if only part-time, and another six in ten are considering the possibility, according to the survey.

“Currently, 85% of respondents say they have a net monthly salary below the 5,000 lei threshold, and in this percentage about 30% earn less than 3,000 lei, which does not allow them to save enough for retirement age. Another 10% earn between 5,000 and 10,000 lei a month, and the remaining 5% – more than 10,000 lei a month,” say the authors of the BestJobs survey.

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Most respondents (47%) believe they should have savings of up to 150,000 lei (€30,000) by the time they retire, in order to have a financially carefree old age. Another 33% say they should have between 175,000 and 300,000 lei (€60,000) set aside, 15% would like to have savings of around 500,000 lei (€100,000) and the remaining 5% – above this threshold.

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However, more than half of the respondents would like to be able to save between 250 and 500 lei per month, 28% – between 500 and 750 lei, 13% – between 750 and 1,000 lei, and 5% – more than 1,000 lei.

“Moreover, in order to have a higher income that would allow them to save, most employees are considering changing their job. While two thirds of respondents have stayed in the same job over the past 12 months amidst the pandemic, about four in ten are now thinking of changing jobs or even fields of work, and 22.5% say they have already taken steps in this direction,” the survey adds.

The main criteria they will consider when looking for a new job or field are: a higher salary (67%), job security (39%), more stability (32%), the possibility to work from home (31.5%), more free time (29.5%). The survey was carried out between 1 and 20 August on a sample of 920 internet users in Romania.