Unemployment rate in Romania reaches 3%, down slightly from the previous month

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The unemployment rate recorded at national level was 3% at the end of June 2021, lower than the previous month by 0.06 percentage points and equal to that of June 2020, reports the National Agency for Employment (ANOFM), according to Agerpres. Persons without formal education and those with only primary education account for more than a quarter of the total number of the unemployed.

The total number of unemployed at the end of June 2021 was 262,131 people, 5,325 fewer than at the end of May.

Of the total registered unemployed, 69,511 were registered as receiving unemployed benefits and 192,620 as unpaid unemployed. The number of unemployed with benefits decreased by 8,550 persons and the number of the unemployed without benefits increased by 3,225 persons compared to the previous month.

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In what concerns the residence,  at the end of June, 82,442 unemployed people lived in urban areas and 179,689 lived in rural areas.

Most unemployed people are between the ages of 40 to 49 (72,169), followed by those aged 50 to 55 (54,511), and at the other end of the scale were those aged 25-29 years old (13,031).

In terms of the structure of unemployment by level of education, the unemployed with no education and those with only primary education had a significant share in the total number of the unemployed registered in ANOFM records (28.84%). The unemployed with secondary education accounted for 29.93% of all registered unemployed and those with university education represent 5.72%.